PADI Fish Identification

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After a dive, one of the most frequently asked questions is: “What was that fish?”
If you want to be a diver who can answer this question, instead of one who asks it, then sign up for the Fish Identification Specialty course.
When you are able to recognize the creatures you see and identify the main fish families and their characteristics, you enjoy diving much more.
If you are at least 10 and you are at least a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver, you can enroll in the AWARE – Fish Identification course.
Once you have obtained the patent for this fantastic course, you will also receive registration with the Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment “Green Sea World“.
Academic Course
After a dive, once you know what type of fish you have seen, it will be much easier for you to identify the exact species.
For example, a Caribbean butterflyfish is similar in shape to a butterflyfish in Southeast Asia, but the colors and streaks may be completely different.
If you know which fish family it belongs to, you will be able to search for the local name more easily or, at least, give a few more references to your instructor.
During two dives you will learn:
- How to identify the characteristics of local fish families and species.
- Investigation techniques and strategies.
- Project AWARE activities that can help you protect aquatic life.
- Participate in Green Sea World Projects to help improve the waters of the local Seas and Oceans.
Get credit! This PADI Specialty Diver’s first dive can be credited as an Adventure Dive for your Advanced Open Water certification.
Equipment you will use
In addition to using the basic equipment, you will want to have a slate to record what you see and, if available, an identification table of the fish in your area.
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