General conditions of Sale

General Sales Conditions

General Sales Conditions, which regulate the relationship between Underwater Academy and the buyer.

Scope These General Sales Conditions apply to all sales of products and/or services made through the Underwater Academy website. The purchase of products and/or services on the website implies acceptance of the GSC by the buyer.

Offer and Prices All offers and prices on the Underwater Academy website are to be understood as indicative and subject to change. Underwater Academy reserves the right to modify prices and conditions of offers on the website at any time.

Orders Orders can only be placed through the Underwater Academy website. The buyer is required to provide all necessary information for the fulfillment of the order, including payment and shipping data.

Payments All payments must be made through the methods indicated on the Underwater Academy website. The buyer agrees to provide truthful and complete information regarding payment details.

Delivery The delivery of products is carried out according to the methods indicated on the Underwater Academy website. Underwater Academy is not responsible for any delays or issues related to product delivery caused by factors outside of its control.

Warranties Underwater Academy guarantees that the products sold on the website conform to the specifications indicated on the website. In case of defects or problems related to the products sold, the buyer is entitled to replacement of the defective product or refund of the amount paid.

Services Offered Underwater Academy offers a variety of services, ranging from the sale of courses for scuba diving, freediving and mermaid, to courses related to the maritime sector, such as preparation for obtaining a boating license or first aid courses. Underwater Academy assumes no responsibility for any damages or losses caused by the use of the services offered on the website.

Tourist commercial proposals by partners Underwater Academy may propose commercial tourist offers from partners on the website. Each proposed offer may be subject to particular sales conditions that are completed with the user’s acceptance and payment of the required fees. Underwater Academy assumes no responsibility for any damages or losses caused by the use of the commercial tourist offers proposed on the website.

Liability Underwater Academy is not responsible for any damages or losses caused by the use of products or services sold on the website. In any case, the liability of Underwater Academy is limited to the amount paid by the buyer for the purchase of products or services.