PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle

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For divers, underwater vehicles (DPVs) offer an exciting way to explore a large area in no time.

They transport you through the water allowing you to glide over reefs, have fun around a wreck or zigzag through a kelp forest.

Whether you dive from shore or from a boat, a DPV is a fantastic way to explore and have more fun.

Se hai 12 anni o più e sei almeno un PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver, ti puoi iscrivere al corso PADI DIver Propulsion Vehicle.

Academic Course

The PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle course helps you choose the right vehicle for you. You will do two dives and learn:

  • How to take care of your underwater vehicle
  • How to plan your dives, including how to stay with your buddy
  • Skills to use your vehicle: for example, how to properly descend and ascend.
  • Potential problems and how to deal with them.

Get credit! The first dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course can be credited as an Adventure Dive for your Advanced Open Water Diver certification. Contact us now for more information.

If you need help, see our FAQs

PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle