PADI Underwater Navigator

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Learn where you are and where you want to go, and become the diver everyone wants to follow.

The PADI Underwater Navigator course hones your observation skills and teaches you how to use your underwater compass more accurately.

If you like challenges, sign up for this course and have fun finding the right course.

If you are at least 10 years old and are a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver, you can enroll in the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course.

Academic Course

You will learn to use the tools of the trade, including navigating with natural references and following a course with the compass. During three dives you will learn:

  • How to estimate distances under water.
  • To navigate with a compass while making at least five changes of direction.
  • From the surface, to signal or find a submerged object or position.
  • To draw an underwater map.

Thanks to the Underwater Navigator course, you will be able to get college credit. Contact us for more information on this opportunity.

Additionally, the first dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course can be credited as an Adventure Dive for your Advanced Open Water certification.

Equipment you will use

In addition to your basic equipment, you will need a compass and an underwater slate.

If you need help, see our FAQs

Underwater Navigator