Welcome to the WhatsApp Groups.

Hi and welcome to Underwater Academy!

We are happy to have you with us and share our passion for the underwater world.
To access our WhatsApp and Telegram groups, we kindly ask you to respect some simple rules of behavior.

Firstly, we want all members of the group to be treated with respect and consideration.
Offensive, insulting or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Secondly, we ask you to share only content related to the underwater world, avoiding spreading messages that may cause offense or discrimination.

Finally, we want our groups to be a place for constructive and positive discussion.
We ask you to avoid controversies, arguments or discussions that may cause tension within the group.

By following these simple rules, we will create together a welcoming and stimulating environment, where we can share our passion for underwater diving.

We invite you to join us on our WhatsApp and/or Telegram groups, and to share with us your experiences and discoveries in the wonderful underwater world!

oin the Underwater Academy Group